Cruel | POV Femdom Clips

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This mistress loves to have fun using her hot body. But she also loves to scare the shit out of guys. She likes to make herself look like a vampire right after she has teased guys and gotten them to lie naked in her bed. Sometimes she ties them up and then pretends to surprise them but comes out like a vampire. She loves how the guys pee on themselves and scream on seeing her.

Mistress Laura did not like how this loser talked to her. She considered it disrespectful to her and she did something about it. She did not want to argue with him. She did not want him to pull her down to his level. So she kicked him and she humiliated him with her socks and bare feet, both of which he had to lick. She then asked him to talk badly to her again and see what she would do.

Princess Serena does not like guys who cannot pull their weight. This guy was a freeloader and he wanted her to foot his bills. She was pissed to learn that and she punished him for it. She used her heels to do it and she dominated him painfully as she crushed him and she made him lick them. He regretted trying to freeload on her and never did it again.

This mistress learned that this guy had problems which he wanted to talk to a therapist about. She pretended to be a therapist and she engineered for him to go to her. She wanted to get a lot of secrets from him and she did. She got to tell him a lot of info and she used it for her own selfish motives. He was highly placed and he knew a lot valuable info that she wanted to lay her hands on.

This mistress was late to go to the gym because her driver arrived late. She saw no point in going to the gym late so she did some exercises in the house. She, however, punished him for it. She did so using her sneakers. She forced the loser to lick her sweaty feet as well as her stinky sneakers. She warned him never to be late again or he would have himself to blame for what would happen.

Lady Skyla has nice tits and she loves to use them for her own enjoyment. She knew this guy was into her but she wanted to use him for something. She wanted him to do something for her so she teased him with her nice tits. She then asked him in a seductive voice and he had no choice but to do what she asked. And he got nothing in return.

This mistress knew her slave needed a thorough beating and she gave it to him. She was disappointed at him and she punished him to make sure it would not happen again. She even got the help of her friend. The two mistresses enjoyed torturing him with their high heels. He had to lick them and when he was done, he had to endure the pain of being trampled by high heels.

Lady Alice likes to set guys up for failure. She likes to come up with games she knows she is exceptionally good at and then making guys play with her. She tells them that if they win they can do whatever they want to her and if she wins she does the same to them. And she always wins and makes the guys do crazy and cruel things to themselves or she does those things to them.

Princess Serena wanted to make sure her slave knew the kind of person she was. So she unleashed terror on him. She humiliated him using her bare feet as well as with her stockings. She choked him and she teased him before leaving him high and dry. She forced him to lick her ass and smell her farts. She did all sorts of nasty things to him before she felt he had known the kind of person she is.

This mistress was angry at her slave. She did not want her slave to get used to doing his own things. So she punished him. She cruelly did so because she did not want to punish him again. She chose to do it once but never have to do it again. She tortured him and by the time she was done with him, she knew he had learned his lesson.

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